Imagine if we didn’t all subsidize non-profits and religious organizations by exempting them from paying their fair share of property tax?
When exempt organizations buy real estate, we pick up the deficit – raising our property tax! That doesn’t seem fair. If we wanted to contribute to these organizations, we could. We shouldn’t be forced to!
There is no way this would ever become legislation – no politician would raise taxes on churches (or much beloved non-profits). The only way this could ever happen is through grass-roots efforts and judicial (court) action.
Make no mistake, we’re not anti-religion, or anti-anything. We just think things should be fair! If exempt properties have a fire, the fire department responds. Likewise, police. These essential services are typically funded by property taxes. We just think that all property owners should pay their fair share!
How to start? Bring up the idea to like-minded friends and start a conversation…